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Purpose: Therapy for people living with HIV
Active ingredient: Tenofovir 300 mg + Emtricitabine 200 mg
Generic name: Temirazer
Manufacturer: Aprazer
Original: Truvada
Packaging: 30 tablets
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Instructions for taking Temiraser

Generic Truvada Temiraser is a combination drug intended to prevent the development and treatment of AIDS and other HIV diseases. Compared to medications with similar prescriptions, for example, Tenvir-EM or Truvada, it is offered at a relatively affordable price — the cost of the drug for a monthly course is 1.4 thousand rubles.

Indications for use

The medical indication for use is the treatment of HIV types 1 and 2 in adult patients.

Form of production

Temirazer, manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical company Natco Pharma, is produced in the form of film-coated tablets. Each tablet contains a certain amount of active substances:

  • 200 mg. – emtricitabine;
  • 300 mg. — tenofovir disoproxil fumarate.


There are natural auxiliary additives — lactose, starch, and other inactive components.

Doses and regimen

Take 1 tablet per day. The drug should be taken at the same hour. To improve the absorption of tenofovir, take Truvada Temiraser with food.

The duration of the treatment course is prescribed by the attending physician.

How does the medicine work?

Emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate prevent further development of the viral disease. The first component in the patient’s body becomes the nucleotide cytidine. The substance of the second type, entering human cells, is transformed into an analogue of the natural nucleotide adenosine — tenofovir diphosphate.

Each of the new compounds effectively suppresses the activity of viral reverse transcriptase (an enzyme that synthesizes the genetic material of the infection). The DNA molecule stops its synthesis (termination process occurs).


When the medicine is swallowed with food, rapid absorption of the active substances from the intestines is observed. The maximum volume of emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is observed on average 30 minutes to 3 hours after administration. Excretion of substances is carried out by the kidneys. The half-life is 10-12 hours.

List of contraindications

You should avoid using Generic Truvada Temiraser:

  • During lactation;
  • In case of severe renal failure;
  • People under 18 years of age;
  • It is prohibited for citizens with individual intolerance to the components.

About side effects

Common side effects of taking:

  • 7% — diarrhea;
  • 12% — nausea.


Rare side effects:

  1. Hepatic dystrophy with fatty transformation;
  2. Hepatomegaly;
  3. Lactic acidosis;
  4. Kidney failure.


Note that drugs of a similar and higher price category cause side effects no less often than Temiraser, which is offered at an affordable price per package.

Consequences of overdose

In case of an overdose of the drug, an increased frequency and more pronounced manifestation of side effects are observed. Treatment of overdose is carried out taking into account the symptoms. Hemodialysis may be performed (10% and 30% of tenofovir and emtricitabine, respectively, will be removed from the body).

Special Recommendations

It is prohibited to use Temirazer simultaneously with other medications that contain tenofovir and emtricitabine. Or cytidine-like substances such as lamivudine and adefovir.

Temiraser can almost double the side effects of didanosine (coadministration is not recommended).

The use of Temirazer reduces the risk of HIV transmission, but does not provide 100% protection.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored at a maximum temperature of +30 degrees. Celsius in a dark place. When ordering a medicine on our website, you will receive it directly from India with the guarantee that the product will be delivered in sealed packaging and a special thermal container, preserving the necessary medicinal properties.

1 отзыв на Temirazer (Tenofovir Emtricitabine) Aprazer Healthcare

  1. Вова

    В самом начале я принимал Российский Тенофовир, но у меня были очень жесткие побочные эффекты от этого препарата: я находился в полубредовом состоянии, все время кружилась голова, а еще была зудящая сыпь. Купил здесь Тенофовир Temirazer мне посоветовал друг Индийские аналоги . Действующее вещество в данном препарате такое же, но каких-либо побочных эффектов я больше не наблюдаю. Препарат принимаю 3 недели, очень надеюсь, что побочки не будет и дальше.

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