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Hepacare plus receives their extracts of the following herbs: Caper Bush, Chicory (cichoriumintybus), Kasamarda (Cassia Occidentalls), Arjuna (Terminaliaarjuna), Makoy (SolanumNigrum), Milk Thistle (silybumMarianum), Kutki (PicrorhizaKurroa), Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba), Kalmegh (Andrographis Paniculata), Biranjasipha (Achilea Millefolium), Machika (Tamarix Articulata).

Analog: Hepasky


Herbal medicine Hepacare Plus is a herbal composition, the formula of which includes components used for the treatment of chronic liver diseases. This drug can also be used to prevent hepatological diseases.

The Hepacare Plus formula includes bioactive components of plant origin, the action of which is aimed at normalizing liver function, regulating the level of its enzymes, removing toxic substances, protecting liver cells from the negative effects of alcohol, drugs and other factors, regenerating liver cells, improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. tract, stabilization of protein synthesis.

The herbal medicine Hepacare Plus is quite active against various types of viral infections.

The product contains bioactive components in the following concentration (per 1000 mg tablet):

  • herb common millennium and castle tamarix – 50 mg each;
  • terminalia Arjuna bark and western cassia seeds – 200 mg each;
  • black nightshade herb – 100 mg;
  • prickly caper root powder and chicory seeds – 200 mg each.


The drug is indicated for use for preventive purposes in conjunction with the use of hepatotoxic drugs, antipyretics, contraceptives, anti-tuberculosis medications: Hepacare Plus allows you to reduce their toxic effects on the liver. For the same purpose, this drug is recommended to be taken during radiation and chemotherapy.

As a therapeutic agent, the drug is indicated for the following diseases:

• pre-cirrhotic conditions;
• anorexia;
• hepatopathologies caused by alcohol dependence;
• toxic hepatitis (including drug etiology);
• fatty hepatosis and fibrosis;
• hepatitis B and C type in acute and chronic course;
• hepatosis-toxic fatty hepatopathologies;
• cirrhosis of the liver;
• hepatitis A type in acute course.

Hepacare Plus is a highly effective hepatoprotector that can be used for prophylactic purposes to reduce the toxic effects on the liver of antibiotics, antipyretics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, oral contraceptives, etc.

How to buy Hepacare Plus?

Unfortunately, the hepatoprotector Hepacare Plus cannot be purchased through pharmacy chains, since the manufacturing plant does not have official supplies. Ordering the original drug in Western countries is extremely expensive. Fortunately, this drug is produced by an Indian generic manufacturer that cooperates with Russian retailers. On our website you can purchase PHARMA LAB at affordable prices, since we work directly with the plant.


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