Митомицин 10мг №1


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Generic Name: Mitomycin 10mg
Active ingredient: Mitomycin
Dosage: 10 mg
Pack quantity: 1 bottle

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Mitomycin instructions for use

In addition to the standard component Mitomycinum, the composition includes sodium chloride.

Production form

The drug is in powder form. It is introduced into the body through an injection. One package contains a bottle.

Pharmacological action

Mitomycinum is characterized by its action against cancer. The drug is administered in an inactive form, after which it is automatically transformed into an active form, both in serum and inside cells.

Mitomycin acts in a way that leads to the death of cells that contribute to the formation of cancer. The alkylating agent has the maximum effect on cells in the active form. The use of large doses of the drug promotes the release of additional free form peroxide radicals. They lead to fragmentation of DNA chains.


Mitomycin can be administered either intravenously or intraarterially. Intravesical administration of the drug is characterized by a low absorption rate. Mitomycin spreads rapidly, its maximum concentration is observed in cardiac and pulmonary tissues, in the gastrointestinal tract, in muscles along with exudate fluids. The drug cannot penetrate the blood-brain barrier. It then enters the walls of the bladder.

Metabolized both in the liver and other tissues. A large amount of the drug is concentrated in the gallbladder. Intravenous administration is characterized by rapid removal from the body. The dose of the administered drug directly depends on the time it is removed from the body.

Indications for use

The medicine can be used both as a single-component chemical therapy and as a multi-component program for cancer. The drug is actively used to treat head and neck cancer. The main thing is that the attending physician considers such treatment appropriate.


The drug is not recommended for use in patients who have increased sensitivity to individual components or the drug as a whole. In the presence of leukopenia in isolated form, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis and other severe infections.

Contraindications include impaired ventilation along with kidney and liver function, accompanied by poor health, radiation therapy and many other methods.


The use of the drug may lead to side effects. It is necessary to note the suppression of bone marrow function, leukopenia, nausea and vomiting reflex, pneumonia and failure.

If we talk about the state of the gastrointestinal tract, stomatitis, diarrhea or sudden weight loss may be observed.

At the injection sites, deterioration of the condition of the skin may be observed, accompanied by the formation of redness and induration.

Drug interactions

Mitomycin, together with other drugs and drugs, may affect the manifestation of other negative effects. When treating with medication, special care and caution must be exercised. It is not recommended to use the product without appropriate recommendations from a treating specialist. Most often, when used with other drugs, shortness of breath occurs along with bronchospasm. Patients using Mitomycin are prohibited from using other vaccines that have an active form.

Application and dosage

Mitomycin can be administered intravenously, intra-arterially, or through the bladder. The nature of the tumor influences the method chosen for treatment. The drug can be used both as a combination therapy and as a single-component therapy. The dosage depends on the current condition of the patient, his age, weight, the presence of other diseases and other factors.

The maximum dose per day should not be more than 80 mg/m2 of body surface area. When using combination therapy, the doses are much smaller.

Before administering the drug, the powder must be dissolved in a sodium chloride solution. Mitomycin is not administered in the form of mixed injections. Other drugs may be prescribed in a separate form.

Exceeding the dose

May have toxic effects on bone marrow. In addition, the patient’s pulse may increase, blood pressure may drop, and various shock symptoms may appear.

Special Recommendations

It is best to administer the drug intravascularly and slowly. Use for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. In this case, the use of the drug is prohibited.

Effect of the drug on drivers

The use of the drug contributes not only to vomiting and nausea, but also to a worsening of the reaction.


As prescribed by a specialist.


The drug should be stored in a cool place out of reach of children.

Application of Mitomycin

Stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, bile duct cancer, colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, endometrial cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, mesothelioma, renal pelvis and ureter cancer, cancer bladder, prostate cancer, malignant tumors of the head and neck, chronicy myelocytic leukemia.

Dosage regimen

They are set individually, depending on the indications and stage of the disease, the state of the hematopoietic system, and the antitumor therapy regimen.


Hypersensitivity, incl. a history of intolerance phenomena or a hypertensive reaction in response to the administration of mitomycin, severe bone marrow hypoplasia, thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, incl. tendency to bleeding, severe chronic renal failure (with plasma creatinine concentration >1.7 mg/100 ml), acute infectious diseases of a viral, fungal or bacterial nature, incl. chicken pox, herpes zoster (risk of severe generalization of the disease), pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Restrictions on use

Suppression of bone marrow function, incl. due to treatment with cytotoxic drugs or radiation therapy, childhood.

Special instructions

It is necessary to follow safety precautions and rules when preparing and diluting mitomycin (in a sterile box using disposable surgical gloves and masks) and destroying needles, syringes, vials, ampoules and unused drug residues.


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