Nintib Нинтиб Nintedonib 150мг №30


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Generic Name: Nintib 150
Active ingredient: Nintedonib
Dosage: 150 mg
Pack quantity: 30 capsules

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Nintib Nintib Nintedonib 150 mg No. 30 instructions for use


It binds to the ATP-binding sites of a number of receptors, which allows blocking the transmission of signals within the cell. This prevents the proliferation and survival of pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells. The process of proliferation, spread and transformation of fibroblasts involved in the development of pulmonary fibrosis is also interrupted.

The main active component prevents tumor vessels from forming and developing. Over time, the malignant tumor stops growing.


After taking the medicine on an empty stomach, about 4.7% is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Peak concentrations in the blood are observed 2-4 hours after administration. The binding to plasma proteins is extremely high, within 97.8%.

Metabolism occurs in the liver. The half-life takes up to 10 hours. Most of the active substance is excreted in feces.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for:

  • locally advanced, metastatic, or recurrent lung cancer, provided that the disease is not small cell;
  • also used for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as a means of slowing the development of pathology.

The drug is combined with docetaxel. A combination of drugs acts as a support and therapeutic regimen for second-line chemotherapy.

Who is prohibited from receiving

Persons with metastases in the brain, with liver or kidney failure, as well as minors, are strictly prohibited from taking the drug.

Women in any trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, as well as patients with hypersensitivity to the main active drug should refrain from taking the therapeutic course.

Use with caution

It is allowed to take it under medical supervision for moderate renal or liver failure, as well as during anticoagulant therapy.

Application, dosage

The medicine is intended for oral administration. You need to take it 2 times a day, 1 tablet. Take only on an empty stomach.

Side effects

The following side effects are expected:

  • CNS. Periodic migraines of varying intensity, asthenia, peripheral polyneuropathy;
  • Respiratory system. The appearance of shortness of breath, interstitial pneumonia;
  • Blood. Decrease in the number of neutrophils and leukocytes;
  • The cardiovascular system. Hypertension, bleeding;
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Sharp weight loss, regular vomiting, loose stools, pain in the abdominal cavity.

Sometimes taking the drug causes kidney failure or a severe allergic reaction.


Side effects are significantly increased, therapy is carried out according to the symptoms that arise.


When combined with rifampicin or phenytoin, the patient’s health must be closely monitored to prevent severe side effects.

Special instructions

Before therapy, as well as every month, you need to monitor the activity of transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin levels.


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