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You can buy Cronivir 0.5 by calling


Uses: Treatment of hepatitis B;
Brand name: CRONIVIR 0.5 MG;
Contents: Entecavir 0.5 mg;
Country of origin: India;
Generic drug: Baraclude
Packaging: 30 tablets.


The active ingredient in Cronivir from Hetero HealthCare is entecavir, a powerful antiviral drug that is suitable for patients with various stages of hepatitis B with or without cirrhosis. Entecavir is the international nonproprietary name for a guanosine analogue.


  1. The form of the drug is tablets for oral administration.
  2. The tablets are film-coated.
  3. In addition to the active substance in an amount of 0.5 mg or 1 mg, Baraklud contains excipients.
  4. The tablets are supplied in a plastic bottle.
  5. Quantity per package – 30.
  6. The recommended time of administration is on an empty stomach 2 hours before or 2 hours after meals (fatty foods impair the absorption of the active substance).
  7. The course of treatment is 96 weeks or more.
  8. Shelf life: 2 years at temperatures from +15 to +25 degrees.


Cronivir is a carbocyclic analogue of 2′-deoxyguanosine, has high antiviral activity, is well tolerated, and the risk of drug resistance is minimal. Entecavir is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 0.5-1.5 hours. The blood carries the substance throughout the body, it enters the tissues and begins to work. Excreted in urine (60-75%).
The drug works with the DNA polymerase enzyme of the virus that causes hepatitis B. After entering the body and undergoing several transformations, the substance turns into triphosphate, an active metabolite.

It affects three stages of DNA polymerase, which increases the effectiveness of treatment:

• initiation stage – the part of DNA containing information about the polymerase is copied;
• elongation stage – the negative strand of RNA is transcribed;
• termination stage – polymerase leads to the synthesis of the positive strand of viral RNA.

Suppression of the active process at all three stages under the influence of Entecavir tablets guarantees the suspension of the virus, improvement of the patient’s condition and leads to an inactive phase of virus carriage in the vast majority of cases.

Treatment with Cronivir (generic Baraclude) is prescribed for chronic hepatitis B, even at its advanced stages with complications:

• with elevated transaminase levels;
• with high viremia;
• in the presence of liver fibrosis;
• with liver damage in the stages of decompensation and compensation;
• with hepatitis in the active phase.

Side effects

Generic analogs are well tolerated and side effects are unlikely.

Possible symptoms:

• Lactic acidosis, severe hepatomegaly, steatosis – are more often observed in patients, expressed in nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of body weight;
• upon discontinuation of therapy – exacerbation of hepatitis (the patient’s liver function should be monitored after discontinuation; as a rule, the symptom goes away without serious consequences);
• with resistance to lamivudine – increased risk of viral resistance to entecavir.

Side effects to Cronivir in tablet form usually occur in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis, renal failure, and mixed hepatitis. Rare adverse reactions to generics from India include dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbances, skin rashes, hair loss, allergic reactions, and fatigue. To exclude the occurrence of undesirable effects or to detect their manifestation in time, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations during treatment. Taking the medicine is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components, age under 18 years, pregnancy, breastfeeding (therapy is possible if breastfeeding is stopped), lactase deficiency. When treating patients with HIV who are not receiving antiretroviral therapy, the emergence of resistant strains of HIV. The use of Entecavir for the treatment of HIV-infected patients is not advisable.

A course of treatment

Cronivir is one of the inexpensive drugs that are used to treat such a serious pathology. A one-year course (52 weeks) requires 13 packs.

Recommended doses:

• for compensated liver damage – 0.5 mg per day;
• for decompensated liver damage and resistance to lamivudine – 1 mg per day (for 1 dose);
• in case of renal failure — course correction on an individual basis, for example, with CC less than 50 ml/min, the intervals between doses can be from 2 to 7 days.

The cost of a course of treatment from 3 months is 9,000 rubles (the price of 1 package of 30 tablets is 3,000 rubles). The price per package is reduced if you buy several jars in bulk — a year’s course will also be inexpensive. Leave a request for a consultation, and our manager will calculate the cost of the entire course taking into account the current price.

Buy Cronivir Hetero

You can buy generic Baraclude Cronivir from Hetero HealthCare on our website and be sure of fast and reliable delivery.


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