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Brand name: Carbokast 450mg
Manufacturer: Aprazer
Active ingredient: Carboplatin
Dosage: injection solution Carbokast 450mg/Carboplatin 45ml
Pack quantity: 1 bottle

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Carbokast 450mg (Carbokast 450mg/Carboplatin 45ml) injection instructions for use


Carboplatin acts as an active component. An additional component is water necessary for injections.

Production form

The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for infusion. The drug is sold in packages containing one bottle.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

Carboplatin is a drug that is actively used against cancer. It contains a platinum atom. Carboplatin is the production of 2nd generation cisplatin. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on modification of the DNA structure. This contributes to disruption of DNA synthesis.


After intravenous administration, carboplatin shows a linear relationship between the administered dose and the concentration observed in plasma, both in total and free form. The connection with proteins is 29%, after a day of use the connection reaches 89%. In most cases, the drug is eliminated through the kidneys with urine.

Indications for use

Carboplatin is used to treat advanced ovarian cancer of epithelial origin. The medicine is used both in 1st line treatment and in 2nd line treatment. In the latter case, the drug is used if other means cannot have the desired effect. The drug is actively used in the treatment of small cell lung cancer.


The drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
• Patients who have an allergic reaction, both to the medicine and to individual components;
• With severe myelosuppression;
• In case of tumor bleeding or other bleeding;
• In case of severe kidney failure;
• In cases where simultaneous use of vaccines aimed at combating yellow fever is carried out.


Among the most common reactions that are inactive in nature are bone marrow suppression along with thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, anemia, gastrointestinal disorders, increased levels of uric acid and urea nitrogen, impaired liver function, and the appearance of pain in muscles and tissues.

Drug interactions

If you are taking certain medications, you should immediately inform your healthcare professional:
• antiogulants;
• antiepileptic drugs;
• drugs affecting the functionality of the brain;
• drugs that suppress the immune system;
• aminoglycoside antibiotics and diuretics.

Application and dosage

The medicine is administered intravenously, either in a separate form or in combination with other drugs. Carboplatin is administered over 15-60 minutes, it all depends on the patient’s condition. Subsequent doses may be given every four weeks.

Exceeding the dose

Acute intoxication can lead to typical side effects. In addition, symptoms of blindness, mucositis, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting reflexes, accompanied by headache and loss of hair, may appear. Hearing impairment can be either transient or reversible.


Treatment is carried out under the supervision of an appropriately qualified treating specialist. Repeated courses can be held monthly. In some cases, it is recommended to use contraception.
Use by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding
This remedy is not prescribed.
Impact on those who drive a car and other means
There are no studies in this area.

Terms of sale

According to the existing recipe.

Storage conditions

The medication should be stored in a locked place, away from children and materials that may produce gases. The maximum room temperature can be 30 degrees.

Where to buy Carbokast 450mg injection?

The most convenient option is to purchase the medicine from an online pharmacy. The main thing is to give preference to a certified pharmacy that complies with all drug storage standards. In the online pharmacy PHARMA LAB, all oncological drugs are stored in accordance with European standards and are purchased exclusively from official manufacturers.


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