Pemetero инъекция Пеметрексед 500 мг


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Generic Name: Pemetero
Active ingredient: Pemetrexed
Dosage: 500 mg
Pack quantity: Each vial contains Pemetrexed 500 mg


Pemetero injection Pemetrexed 500 mg instructions for use


PEMETREXED-PROMOMED — is actively used for the production of a concentrate, which is necessary for the production process of the infusion solution. According to its external characteristics, it is a lyophilized mass in the form of a powder, the color of which can be either white or light yellow with a green tint. Clumping is permitted under certain circumstances. The reconstituted solution is a clear or yellow solution with various shades.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Refers to drugs that are actively used in the fight against tumors. These can be antimetabolites, which in their characteristics and properties are similar to folic acid.


The drug contains pemetrexed, which is actively used by patients in the fight against tumors.

Features of application

Used to treat patients who have reached adulthood. Most often, the drug is used in the fight against diseases of the following nature:

  • Non-small cell lung cancer. Together with cisplatin, the drug is actively used for 1st line therapy for patients with cancer at various stages;
  • The drug can be used as monotherapy. Able to support therapy with both locally advanced lung cancer and metastatic non-small cell cancer;
  • The drug as monotherapy is used for 2nd line therapy in patients with locally advanced lung cancer and metastatic non-small cell cancer;
  • In the treatment of a malignant tumor, when the serzone membrane covers the pulmonary surface. The drug can be used by patients with such diseases in cases where they have not previously undergone courses of chemical therapy.


Each case has its own characteristics of using the drug.


It is better not to use the drug in the following cases:

  • If the patient exhibits allergic reactions, both to the drug as a whole and to its individual components. The components used in the production of the product can be found in the insert;
  • Women who are breastfeeding;
  • Pregnant women;
  • If the medicine is taken at the same time as drugs used against yellow fever.


There are other cases when the use of the drug may be prohibited. If necessary, the attending physician will prescribe a course of treatment and therapy using this remedy.

Side effect

Like many other drugs, it can cause a number of unwanted reactions. It should be noted that reactions may not occur in all patients. If incomprehensible reactions occur, it is better to immediately inform your treating specialist, who will be able to promptly introduce amendments to the course of treatment. The doctor will quickly determine the cause of the reactions and will be able to make all the necessary changes.


The drug should be stored in a dry place where children cannot get into it. Do not take the product after the expiration date, which is indicated on the packaging or the bottle itself. If you have any questions, it is better to consult with a specialist in advance.


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