(1 отзыв клиента)

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Active ingredient: Tenofovir + Alafenamide
Generic name: Tafsure
Manufacturer: Aprazer
Dosage: 25 mg
Packaging: Jar of 30 tablets
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Tafsure is the newest prescription drug created for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in the compensation stage. The main active ingredient reduces the amount of virus in the blood, improving the condition of the patient’s liver.

Buy Tafsure

You can buy Tafsure on our website at any time by leaving a request. Before filling out the application form, check with the managers for information about the product and its availability. Tafsure is a medicine from the largest Indian manufacturer Aprazer Healthcare, and is a generic version of tenofoviralafenamide (TAF). You can always find out additional information on the terms of purchase, delivery and medical issues from the duty operator in the chat on the PHARMA LAB website.

Tafsure price

The cost of effective treatment of hepatitis B with American original drugs is several hundred thousand dollars. In 2014, Aprazer signed an agreement with GileadSciences, the manufacturer of tenofovir, to produce affordable copies that cost several times less to treat.

Recommendations for admission

The medication is taken 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for the drug; abruptly stopping the use of the medication can provoke an infectious outbreak. This treatment is inadmissible for children during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Adverse reactions:

• muscle pain;
• lethargy;
• increased fatigue;
• stomach ache;
• labored breathing;
• nausea.

1 отзыв на Tafsure Tenofovir Alafenamide 25 mg Aprazer Healthcare

  1. Максим

    Когда поставили диагноз ВИЧ, это меня подкосило. Пропало желание жить, смирился с тем, что стал изгоем. Затем полностью перестал следить за своим здоровьем, махнул на себя рукой. Из страшной депрессии меня вытащила моя девушка. Она прошла полугодовой курс лечения индийским дженериком Aprazer Healthcare, почувствовала положительные изменения. Побочные эффекты были, мучили тошнота, рвота, нарушения со стороны кишечника. Однако вскоре стало легче. По её рекомендации приобрёл препарат. Лечусь, наблюдаю за ощущениями.

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